Technology and Art Can Make a Difference

The Evolution of a Term

DigiComArts came into being around 2012. As we have mentioned in other posts, the phrase “DigiComArts” stands for “Digital Communication Arts.” In fact, long ago, Digital Communication Arts played a role in our library workshops and awards show. Students studied and integrated DigiComArts into their creative undertakings while participating in an afterschool program at the New York Public Library. Then in 2013, some of these young people were nominated for, and eventually won, Platinum PIAs Awards. At the time of this writing, information on this could still be found on the New York Public Library’s website.

Everyday use of “DigiComArts”

No matter what you decide to call it, DigiComArts can be a name for a creative process that involves the integration of a myriad of different art forms and media components. The idea and reason behind the term being created in the first place, was a way to look at what some call inter-arts and recognize that working in multiple art forms and mediums can be an engaging creative process experience.

Innovation in the Entrepreneurial Domain

When an entrepreneur starts a business these days, it is often to provide a new solution to an age-old problem. If that individual has truly developed something fresh and useful, they can be remarkably successful. Where do these cutting-edge ideas come? Some would say that it involves pondering on various levels, in a manner like when engaging in thought about DigiComArts.

Different Kinds of Digital Subscription-Based Businesses You Can Create


A popular form of digital subscription-based businesses is to use the model known as SaaS (Software as a Subscription). If you have software on the web that is useful to people on an ongoing basis, you might consider going with the SaaS direction. You essentially charge a fee monthly for your customer to have access to your platform. This works best if you can have updates including interesting things being done with the software as well as what are the latest new and fresh benefits? Doing this can continue to build of the perceived value of your software thereby giving you a better chance of holding on to your client.

Value and Problem Solving

Another digital subscription-based business that you can start is the delivery to the subscriber a monthly box containing something. This approach has become quite popular with boxes that have in them such things as science experiments for kids, clothes to try on, meats and so on. But regardless of what kind of model you choose for your digital subscription-based business, it needs to be clear that value that it serves to the customer, or as we said earlier, the problem it solves.

Focus Groups

You need to show your future customer the high value benefits your service or product supplies them with and why they need it. You can do this with facts, figures, and testimonials (sometimes called social proof). And ideally, before you launch your business or even before you put any money into it, it is a good idea to bring together actual people who are the kind of person you are trying to reach with your business. Test some of the ideas you have on them. Ask them direct questions and listen to their feedback. This can be greatly beneficial indeed, because they can give you the key to the door of your success. Be sure to integrate all that you learn.


A big and important component of starting your digital subscription-based business is pricing. And one of the easiest and most effective way of finding a fit, is to look at the pricing your competitors are using. This is a terrific starting place. Then you will have to decide what feels right to you. Will you charge more or less of than what they are charging? Will you have different packages? Or will your product or service be a singular solution in format?

Yianni Stamas Unplugging from Digital for International Mountains Day

Is the World Slipping Away?

DigiComArts. As much as we enjoy the digital and artistic world of technology as a creative force. Sometimes it is necessary to unplug and look around at the resources of the world slipping away.

How are You Affected by Mountains?

Today, December 11 is International Mountain Day because of the role that mountains play in our daily lives. A source of fresh water for millions is only the start. Mountains are an important habitat of animals and other creatures of the circle of life. Much of my family live near the mountains for which they play a pivotal role in their lives.

Climate Change

International Mountain Day is celebrated on December 11 every year. Having the day is to encourage the development in our precious mountains. The United Nations General Assembly in 2003. The day gives us a chance to spread awareness about protecting the mountain biodiversity in ecosystems that are feeling the weight of pressure due to climate change and pollution.

Spreading the Message

Have you ever climbed a mountain? If so you know first hand what we are talking about. And even if you haven’t there is the symbolic link we have to mountains such as the fact we all have a mountain to climb, even if that mountain is only metaphorical. We cannot allow the possibility of not having mountain life playing a part in our own lives. Like many important ecosystems, this is one we should not lose. So please, do your part in spreading the message of International Mountains Day.

CoronaVirus and its Impact on Media Industries

Digital Transformation

COVID-19 is a terrible thing. It has taken thousands upon thousands of lives as well as causing people to lose businesses, jobs and more. That said, online media offers some hope for those who have not harnessed the power of Digital Transformation.

Doing it Digitally

As we have discussed with fans of this site and self proclaimed media nerds, the fact that in-person business took a terrible toll, many are getting even more involved with the web as a place to be. This translates into the importance of Digital Transformation in which a business figures out all the aspects of their business that can be done digitally and shifts to that use.

New Hope

Also, another factor of the horrible reign of the Pandemic, is that many folks are becoming interested in what the web can do for them, which is why more and more people are starting home based businesses and are becoming Home Business Achievers. Setting your sites on becoming a Home Business Achiever can be a way to leverage the media industries in the face of the virus! Hope eternal!

You Have to Work for It

As Easy as Pushing a Button?

We wish it was as easy as pushing a button. Unfortunately it is not. Your online business is going to take work. But also be sure to work smarter and not harder. Know what your most effective processes are and work them.

Plan Now

But how do you uncover the best way to run your business? The answer is that you need to go through a “business-marketing plan” phase. This is when you can plan how to do what you want to do.

Dry Run

Give it a dry run before you fully embrace it. Once you have your systems in place you’re ready to go. But remember: you have to work for it.

We Live in a DigiComArts World


We live in a DigiComArts or Digital Communication Arts World. Communication technology is all over and thank goodness for that. If we did not have the technology we now have, the Coronavirus would have an extra level of stress. How would we find out about updates? How would we communicate with others?

The Spanish Flu

Compared to the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, Covid-19 may ultimately prove to be worse. 500 million people all over the world were affected by the Spanish flu. The fatality rate is estimated for the Spanish Flu to have been about 2 percent.

Reaching Out

The percentage of deaths of those caused by the Coronavirus are said to be about 5%. In the United States it is estimated to be under 3%. Again, thank goodness we have the means of communication that were not available in 1912. DigiComArts refers to technology in the arts but these same techniques are in common usage for reaching out to others. This same technology allows for staying fashionable even as the death toll rises.