What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Steve Jobs

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” -Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a great entrepreneur and innovator. When he was alive it was enough to “Think Different.” But let’s face it, this is a crazy time for entrepreneurs. Those who already had most of their business products and processes online, have done better than other entrepreneurial efforts that don’t use “Do It Yourself Digital” also known in short form as “DIYdigi.” DIYdigi is a proprietary methodology for getting more customers and keeping the ones you already have.

Some of the methodology is available in a series of three eBooks on the topic of “Online Marketing.” As Steve Jobs once said about human existence “…Don’t waste it living someone other’s life.” Keep scrolling down to find out how you can INSTANTLY get your free copy of eBook #1.

These three eBooks are completely originally and were created in house by DIYdigital.com. DIYdigi.com provides free eBooks for educational and inspirational reasons. They make the steps to getting your first eBook as easy as ABC below. Here are three steps you can take to get started.

A. Fill out the form shown on the homepage of DIYdigi.com and click the red SIGN UP button.

B. Then check your email.

C. Click to confirm your subscription message whereupon your Online Marketing Book will be instantly delivered to you. Be sure to check the promotions section or spam folder if you don’t see your eBook right away!

Here’s more about the three Online Marketing eBooks and how you can eventually get all three.

  1. The first Online Marketing eBook is really an introduction to online marketing with strategies we actually use to get more customers. eBook #1 is available for free at DIYdigi.com when you subscribe to the Online Marketing Newsletter
  2. The second Online Marketing eBook concerns itself with the technical aspects that are vital and important to actually do in the form of Online Marketing. This eBook is only given for free to DIYdigi.com clients. Get it now by subscribing to the Online Marketing Newsletter through which you can become an exclusive customer.
  3. And finally the third Online Marketing eBook provides an easy to use strategy toolkit for customer acquisition. This eBook is only available for free to clients who are undergoing the completion of DIYdigi making their digital marketing tools.

So go to right now to DIYdigi.com because all the free stuff you get when you subscribe will only be available for a limited time. Plus, when you subscribe to DIYdigi’s Online Marketing Newsletter.