DigiComArts Plays a Role in Today’s Issues

No Crossover

Although a lot of people use DIgiComArts to copy cartoons and make graphics, it has played a role in the COVED-19 saga as well as the Protesters/Vandals/Thieves misunderstanding. There’s nothing like a good visual image to set things straight. Most agree that the peaceful protestors had nothing to do with the vandals/thieves. Apparently there is no crossover.

Decimated by Thugs

And yet the double feature show keeps on truckin’ together. It seems that during the day there are those who are within the law standing up for important communication issues, then at night the bad people come in to tear up small businesses and entrepreneurs who were already holding on just by a thread anyway. Honorable businesses that were truly serving their communities decimated by thugs.

Art Helps with Healing

And as this all unfolds the DigiComArts artists document it in interpretive ways.